Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bruce Willis o?

I was watching late night showtime last night an ended up watching a movie that starred bruce willis and it was on of those o/drama movies. Know it?

Will japan kill us all?

im from and live in oklahoma. will japan's stupidity kill us from radioactive gas? like will it cover the whole us or something.. im 15 i get scared sometimes =/... ha ha ^.^. but yea. and also don't say something like. "the world is gonna end in 2012 anyway so it wont matter" i will just ignore you.. 2012 is just more crap like the other 8 thousand times the world was supposed to end... anyway thanks in advance =3

Are all calories of suger alcohols absorbed or are some likely just ped through the GI tract?

i read that sugar alcohols aren't absorbed so is it truethat if a person eats an atkins bar -- for example-- with 130 calories, having about 80 or more of those calories comming from sugar alcohols, then those calories arent absorbed? Making the Atkins bar more like around 50 calories (130-80=50)? please go ahead and add any links you may know of too that could help answer this Q. :D

What is you opinion of Foo Fighters?

A technically proficient post-grunge band that while not horrible, they're also not exactly the most adventurous band on the planet. Granted mainstream alternative is filled with far worse acts. I can stand listening to Foo Fighters as background noise in the car but never once did I have this overwhelming desire to purchase their CD's.

How to get Jessica Stroup's hairstyle?

take round brush and sweep it in the motion you want it to go and blowdry at the same time :) and use volumizing shampoo

Country Fans: What album do you feel should win Album of the Year at the CMA Awards this year?

That Lonesome Song gets my vote. Jamey's a legend in the making in my humble opinion. He deserves that honor. If not him then I'm hopin' for Brad to get the honor.

How has obsesssive-compulsive disorder affected your relationship with God?

I don't mean this to be offensive, but I think you need genuine help. The church is only going to complicate your already complicated disorder. Religious people are not qualified to help you with a psychological disorder any more than your dentist is.

What exactly should I do?

Yeah im with M up there ^. If you want your mom to understand what anime is about and the type of cartoons you like to watch and read then YOU need to be responsible for explaining it to her, that is if you want her to know. If you want your mom to continue to think that you are watching cutesy little cartoons then you can do that too, but when she wants to read your book she is going to be shocked.

Modern adaption of Macbeth?

Take the scene where Lady Macbeth tries to talk Macbeth into acting and appeals to his manhood. You can have a field day.

Eating candy pregnant..?

i've been craving skittles and other candy with alot of sugar. i was just wondering if that was bad to do?

What causes continual sniffing?

It could be a sinus infection, or allergies. It could be nasal irritation if he is just getting over a cold. The cold weather and dry heat in buildings can irritate your nose, eyes and throat. Try a humidifier, they can help.

Can someone explain what is the advantage of having a company own the LLC instead of you?

I heard an answer but did not understand it. What's the difference of having a corporation that you own, own the LLC as oppose to you yourself owning the LLC? Is there some sort of advantage?

Can I get into uri?

I'm very worried about getting into my top school; URI. I had a 2.2 Gpa until this year, where I was diagnosed add. I have a 3.1 Gpa after two quarters and I recieved a 1710 on my SATs. I've played hockey and lacrosse for four years and I've held down jobs steadily. I've been a member of clubs and got good reccomendations. Do I stand a chance?

Whats the difference (please read)?

Okay, so obviously the US revolted against Great Britain because the King was only checked by Parliament who was controlled by Lord North and the Conservatives. So they revolted for their rights. Well, today people say, "I hope the Dems/GOP get 66 seats in the Senate and 200+ in the House that way they can p whatever they want". Doesnt that sort of defeat the purpose of not having a Monarchy or Autocracy. Because say the Republicans had the Presidency, 70 seats in the senate, and 260 in the House, then they can do whatever they want with healthcare, the war, the death penalty, etc. Well, Wouldnt it be better if the Republicans had small majorities in the House and Senate and the Dems had the Presidency? That way they have to compromise and their is a balance of power so that no one gets too powerful to make any life altering changes? So my question is, do you think that having a balance of power is good, or is it better for 1 side to be in charge? And please do not say something like, "You're comparison is not at all progressive" because I can tell you that when William IV was in power, he had a Whig parliament and that forced him to grant more social reforms (labor laws) and the Whigs did not turn the UK into some business punishing socialist state because he could dissolve parliament. When either party has total control, people get pissed off and then they make choices that they later regret.

Arrested for ual ault and relaese 5 minutes after the girl that call the police on me state fasle alleg?

one girl call the police on me for ual ault on her friend with knowingly stating false allegation wich will be malicious presecution`I WAS ARRESTED FOR 5 MINUTES AND release because the victime decline all allegation from her friend. she also signed doentation stating that i never rapt her with a witness and my self. now Iwant to sui her for malicious presecution and mental distress. will a have a criminal record now?

Worried about maybe having cancer?

I went to the doctor Ear nose throat specialist yesterday he looked in my nose and told me i have a polyp he used a lighted devise. He then told me he want to operate it to get it out right away. I have surgery scheduled in two weeks. I ask if this is serious he said can be but you have a 75% chance you will be fine. We need to look at this polyp under the microscope after surgery. After i got home i am thinking about this and freaking out, 75% is not that good right. I tried to call up to get some-more info. I feel great besides my blocked nose. I am 31 in shape, healthy? Went for a CT scan today.

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems...?

your family seems kinda dis functional...kinda like mine! i hope that you take this experience and run. Your family obviously dont care for you, so why do you care so much for them. Your 27, you should be worrying about having a family of your own. You sound to be like a very ambitious woman so you should definitely take your precious time and invest it in something that actually matters.

Catholic baptisms-when the rules changed.?

Since when did the Catholic Church make new rules for getting a baby baptised. I can't seem to locate one that will baptise my granddaughter.

Thinking about buying the Oral B Triumph 9400 Electric Toothbrush and looking for helpful input?

I currently have a Sonicare Elite Toothbrush and am considering upgrading to the Oral B Triumph Professional Care Line, primarily because of the whitening feature, which the Sonicare Elite doesn't have. Does anyone have any experience with the Oral B Triumph Professional Care electric toothbrushes? Does this whitening feature work? How does it work in regard to keeping your gums healthy? (I've found that the Sonicare is great for gums, but not so good for whitening....Sonicare makes a new model now with whitening which is basically 30 additional seconds of running time for the toothbrush after you clean your teeth for two minutes).

Please help me!!!! It's urgent!?

You are driving home from school steadily at 95 km/h for 130 km. It then beins to rain and you slow to 65 km/h. You arrive home after driving 3 hours and 20 minutes. (a) how far is your hometown from school? (b) What was your average speed?

Should i accept this fantasy trade?

I would give up Drew Brees and Brandon Jackson and i would get Maurice Jones Drew, Matt Ryan, and DaMaryius Thomas. I already have Michael Turner, Clinton Portis, and Jerome Harrison at RB... So i do need help at the RB position and adding Jones Drew would solidify my RB position... I have Carson Palmer sitting on the bench as my backup QB... Is this trade worth losing Drew Brees though?

What is with Booker T?

You probably have noticed and it probably has been mentioned before. Why is Booker T all of a sudden talking in this African or Jamaican accent. Is TNA trying to make him look stupid??? The whole King Booker gimmick was ridiculous, but TNA isn't doing much better with him. They are making a joke out of one of the best wrestlers.

A Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl - Reviews!?

I recently bought the book 'A Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl - Tracy Quan' and without giving the storyline away, please share your views on this book and is it a good read?

How can you tell when you are really in love or just simply infatuated with the person?

Easy answer: If he was to go away forever would you be heart broken, or would you just find another guy?

Luv @ first sitgh how tru is it??????

It's lust at first sight and not love, but it later turns to love if they meet each other or if they gets closer. I have experienced it and I am in love with her.

Is This Effective To Lose Weight?

Yes its good, but id go with something more of a life style plan. Eat a low calorie dinner not a sandwich, remember you still need to be full otherwise after a few days you will rush for sugar!

Im going to the raf afco tomorrow any advice?

when your at your AFCO just ask watever pops in your head that your curious about. your not at the stage were they can reject you so dnt worry lol you dnt need a definte answer because your AFCO is there for you to find out more.

When Has Been The Best Time You Said "I Told You So"?

I told my brother i could hold my head under water for 6 minutes. It turned into a bet for $20. I got a gl of water,put it over my head for 6 minutes,and won $20. Best 'I Told You So' Ever...Even if it was kinda cheating.

What are your thoughts on DJ Shadow's comments?

That was an interesting read. I agree with some of what he said, but some of it was complete bullsh*t like when he says, "If you take away the compensation, guess what...the art stops." Art shouldn't be created with the intent to receive compensation for it. Unless he means he will literally stop making music if he doesn't get paid for every single copy that's produced, I don't see how that's possible. The art will continue to be created with or without him regardless of how much record sales drop and downloading increases. Personally, I feel like money usually corrupts artists, or it at least makes them lose their hunger and that's usually when the art stops. And if he thinks aspiring artists are giving up on their craft because of downloading, he must live in a bubble. He used a bad example when he said, "how many young rap artists are grinding away these days in New York, trying to get a deal? Not too many, certainly compared to the ‘80s and ‘90s." That's crazy! Every day there are more and more aspiring artists, not only in New York, but all over the world. I agree that artists should get paid for what they do, but they shouldn't do it to get paid. I'm a graf artist, and I don't get paid for what I do. I rack paint, dodge cops, and I never saw a pot of gold at the end of what I do. I just do it because I love doing it, and if he considers himself an artist, he should too.

My sun sign is Aquarian, moon is Aries and my ascending is Cancer...?

As an Aquarius Sun, you might like to be independent, are detached, intellectual, eccentric in some way maybe, unconventional, and rebellious. The Sun denotes self-identity, essence, vitality, and the ego of the person. An Aries Moon could denote that you are very pionate, enthused, might get enraged easily, impulsive, and such. The Moon denotes the emotions and instincts of a person. A Cancer rising or on the Ascendant would probably show that you're a nurturing and caring individual towards people. You probably act motherly or fatherly and are emotional and sensitive.

Bias against piano rock?

I agree, look at guys like Jack White and Zakk Wylde, they both play the piano very well. I happen to like piano in rock songs, like Tuesdays Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd.


I would see your doctor to change your medication, it is your sinuses draining from your throat, nose, and ears dripping into your stomach along with the medication, you should take nasonex it prevents it less. the reason you aren't hungry is because of how nausea's you are from the sinus fluid dripping into your stomach, if you are completely worried see a doctor and your doctor will change your medicine for you and you will feel completely normal again.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fragile X sydnrome?

This is what benoit's son had and that's how this whole thing had started. You see because of the fact that his son was mentally ill. He as a father was upset that his son had this and specially as a father he wanted the best for him. But it couldn't happened and that's why he turned to alcohol and steroid usage and he overdosed and that's why on that friday he did something he didn't want to do and that was kill his wife and his son the next day. Believe it or not most kids don't live long with this and benoit in his mind with alcohol and oversdosed with steriods thought that sufficating his son was the best way. With those text messages he had sent was effects from the alcohol. With his wife him and her were arguing and he snapped especially when he was on steriods. Now in a strange way benoit saved his son and with his wife it was influenced by drugs and alcohol. Now I don't condon all this at all, but the media is acting like benoit meant to do this. He didn't.

Please answer, do i have a good shot of being accepted to..?

I would say probably not. I was in your situation, and I went to a lesser school for a year and then transferred to a great school. There are definitely plusses to this method..if you pick an in-state school, it saves you a boatload of money. Also, you'll have an easier time making better grades at lesser colleges. Just be sure to have at least two professors who are willing to write rec letters...Good Luck

Peyton or Ben? Holmes or Marshall?

Peyton at QB, Marshall at WR (Holmes will be limited tonight at best) and Davis at TE. He has been putting up tons of points lately.

The HTC Touch Diamond for Sprint?

I got this phone from Sprint and i broke the first! then the second I hated when it shuts off it takes hours to reload and i droped it in a pool! On my third try I asked for a new phone, the black berry curve love it!

Why is radioactive dating unreliable in most situations?

radioactive dating is unreliable in most situations because estimations have to be made as to the original condition of the object, and these estimations are usually erroneous. i know that much, but i need to elaborate it into a short paragraph and i don't know enough about it. help! :)

How do I check for engine spark?

Holding the sparkplug wire next to the engine block is one way to test the spark. Harbor freight has spark testers for a couple of bucks that work better. Another way is to remove the sparkplug, put a teaspoon of gas in the hole and replace the plug. Now try to start it. If it tries to start and or runs for a few seconds you know that you have spark. The number one cause of not starting or poor running is fuel. A dirty carburetor is at the top of that category.

Say what you want about the south, but did you notice we ain't retiring and moving north?..hmmmm...?

After living in the south for several years, I must thank you for that. I'm very glad you don't move north when you retire. I'm sure your retirement wouldn't cover the heat bills and the meat market expenses with no road kill to eat. Please stay there, in ignorance, and poverty. Thank you.

My servents daughter is illiterate <14yr> how can i help her?

i am student , not have money , &nobody listen to me- my family says there are lakhs of children like dis in indiabut i cant resist my self 4 helping

How to calculate angles in three dimensional planes given the speed and angle?

I want to calculate what angle a three dimensional vector makes with respect to x-y plane, y-z plane and z-x plane when only the speed and the direction of the speed (i.e. the angle between the direction of the speed and the x-axis) is given. There is this equation cos^2(theta)+cos^2(phi)+cos^2(upsilon)=1 but I cannot use this equation as all three angles theta, phi and upsilon are my unknowns. Only the magnitude of three-dimensional speed and its angle wrt the x-axis is known.

Would this make the Mavs tittle worthy?

The only thing that will make the Mavs title worthy is inating Mark Cuban. I can't stand that douche.

Calling all Man United fans. When did you start supporting Man United?

Will answer this for my partner who died last year ....he supported Man U for 55 years ...from the age of 3 ..... one of his greatest moments was when he went in 1968 ???? to Wembly to watch them win the European cup ..... He was a pionate supporter and not a glory hunter at all .........if they played awful he would be the first to say ........and he also liked ANY british team to win when playing a foreign club unlike alot of other British club supporters who wish Man U to lose whoever they are playing ...........soz hope Im correct with the date of that match am not a footie fan ....Well done Utd and supporters ...

What software freeware can faster my computer?? My computer is 448mhz and 256mb ram. Thanks..?

Software cannot speed up your computer, but a healthy choice in software may save you some troubles. XP, not Vista with 256MB/P4. Adjust video setting to 1024 so you let the video card do some of the work.

Will Damian Marley sing some of his old songs at Fox theater in Oakland on May 25?

I am going to see Nas and Damian Marley at the Oakland Fox theater on May 25 and i know thay have a new album together comming out but will damian perform some of his old songs like from welcome to Jamrock and more????

Ancient greek contributions ::DBQ::?

euclid was a greek mathematician. and i guess the impact of his work helps us understand math today. especially geometry. we use math everyday and without it we wouldnt be able to do a lot of stuff accurately.

Could it have been my diet that has caused my yeast infection?


Need advice on taking my son's pacifier away?

Children and Babies alike use binky's for security reasons. Maybe you can substitute it with a "lovie". That's what I did with my son when he was 4 months old. I had the "lovie" smell like me and put it next to him at naps and bed. After a couple days he didn't care for the binky at all. Now he sleeps with his lovie every night!!!!!!

How does Christian doctrine explain people like Adolf Hitler?

PLEASE no totally biased, stupid answers. You are entitled to your own opinion about religion/Hitler/Nazis/WWII, etc., but I am looking for a good/knowledgeable/objective answer. As for this question, I understand that the Bible is supposed to have "answers." Therefore, what is the logic/explanation behind the existence of a seemingly completely evil person if we are all God's creatures? I understand that free will is probably going to play a part in this answer, but I'm looking for other people's insights. Thanks much :]

Questions About Hamlet. ( To be or Not to Be )?

He's talking about suicide. Whether or not life is worth living, and the issues of what happens after we die. "To be or not to be" is whether or not to continue living. "for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?" shows his worries for the mystery of what happens after we die.

What are some good books?

I just saw the book "Got Fight" by forrest griffen and i read"Criminal Minded" by tracy brown and loved it. any suggestions?

Pword Question???!!!?

i know this is a really gay and retarded question, but i have a good reason for it.. I have forgotten my pword for my email adress and its kinda important because its attached to my other screen names and other things... and i cant change the pwords because i need the main email adresses pword.. please dont say make a new sn.. i cant cause then i wont have all of my other screen names please help me??!!??

Which do you prefer? Toaster Strudel or Pop Tarts?

I know that there are all of those commercials saying that Toaster Strudel are better, i personally think that Pop Tarts are better. What do you think??

How do i turn on this macintosh labtop?`?

i got a macintosh laptop from a friend but i do not kno how to turn it on. It has a normal power on just above the keyboard and a small on on the battery. the power supply cable is plugged in and a light is flashing every other second. i tried pressing both ons but nothing seems to happen. HLP ME PLEASE

lump question?

Well focusing on the one that is still there...Do you feel its presence iiiinside your ? It's best to meet with you pediatrician. He/She will refer you to another doctor who specializes in hmmm maybe oncology, if it is a cyst. You're young so I'm pretty sure that it's benign, but it's best to check and set those doctors appointments just in case. You might be sent to get a sonogram. If it's something you want removed they'll send you for a biopsy for samples and to diagnose. Then there's the surgery for its removal. But all of those procedures are nothing to worry about at all. On a scale of 10 I'd say they are about a 4.5 or 5 in terms of pain or discomfort. Its no problem at all though, but you can only say that after you get valid info from your pediatrician/oncologist after diagnosis. If it's still there for a while, you don't want to just leave there because you start to recognize how uncomfortable it's presence is. You need to get it checked.

I got an email stating that forward it and Microsoft will pay you $245. Is it real?

That email and several like it have been going around for about 10 yrs that I know of. Yes, it is a scam.

Why was Ron Paul the only one to vote against "expressing condolences" to the people of Haiti?

I agree with Mad Max...Ron Paul is pretty much on his point when he says he's against using federal funds for these purposes.

What is a good Christmas song?

One that is only instrumental (no human vocals) is christmas chimes. It's a beautiful song. My fav christmas song is Deck the Halls :)

URGENT !! A biker hits my car, am I at fault ?!?!?

Depends on if you were moving or stopped and if you were stopped, how long were you stopped before you got nailed?

Monday, August 15, 2011

We have to make a representation of our group (eg. a quilt, banner, etc) any other ideas?

You can order banners here: a href="" rel="nofollow"

How to calm down a crying baby?

When I'm bringing my daughter home at night, she starts to flip out! I try everything to try and calm her down (bottle, pacifier, blanket, rocking her, changing her diaper, burping her) nothing seem to work and she only seems to get worse. She's 3 months and not teething yet. My husband seems to think that she just may be scared of the dark. Since I've ruled everything else out, I'm starting to believe that too. If there are other moms out there who have experienced this problem and have found a solution please let me know. I don't think that I can take it anymore. Another thing, she's not colicky cause once we bring her into the house or the minute we take her out of the car, she's fine. What can I do?

Vizio 32" squeaky/crackling noise from left rear of LCD, not from speakers? Any suggestions for a self fix?

appx 32" lcd TV began giving off a crackling noise, briefly (2-4 seconds) after being turned on. Noise is from left rear of set, not speakers. How (3 mo later) there is also a hissing sound coming from the same rear area. Also a faint ozone smell.

Christians Brothers and Sisters please explain this verse?

Bible was infact God's word which was revealed to His messenger, Jesus (Peace be upon him). But it was doctored by human hands especially by Paul. This can be explained as the reason for the presence of thousands of errors and contradictions present in the today's Bible. It is true that the original form of Bible exists nowhere in earth today

Please help need new phone?

i am with AT&T/Cingular i have a flip phone now and the front screen is broken it is bleeding ink and you cant see anything it works fine its just the screen is broken i wanted to get the samsung blackjack 2 but i bought the flip phone a 2 months ago therefore using my upgrade so now i need a phone but at at&t i can only buy it for the retail price which is hundreds but i would like to buy it for the discounted price of 99.99 or refurb of 49.99 what should or can i do.

I need a good Shakespeare sonnet!!?

For my english cl I need a good shakespeare sonnet. Does anyone know a good on? Or where I can find a good one?

While camping, can I heat up canned food directly in the can and eat it?

I'm bringing some canned food and a Coleman propane burner with me while I'm camping. I don't want to worry about extra dishes or anything. Is it safe to heat up a can directly on the burner and then eat it? It's not so much the extra dishes I mind, its just the cleaning up after them, there are limited washing facilities on the site.

Agricultural areas in venezuela?

The areas of agriculture in Venezuela are changing in response to Pres. Hugo Chavez's redistribution program. What had been ranch land may be turning into crop land. One area where there had been resettlement programs years ago is in the Orinoco River Valley. Basically, they offer farmland to get poor people to move out of the barrios in Caracas.

Do XBOX360 users of Tales of Vesperia feel like they are beta testers compared to the Ps3 users?

I'm actually curious what the XBOX360 community feels. I won't bash you or anything and in return I except not to be a flame war. I'm serious do you people who have played Tales of Vesperia on the XBOX feel like Beta testers?

Affection dropped off fast -help?

dating older man - 60, me, 47 - was very affectionate at first, been couple months, now hardly any kissing, hand holding, but still wants the "Other"....we plan to travel at christmas and I am now weary...what does this mean from his actions and should I say anything...

I need advice I slept with my friends husband?

honestly if it were me, I would start to distance myself from the whole situation. It's a shame her husband is a dirt bag, and it's a shame that you sucbed to temptation but it's all water under the bridge now. Your friend is going to have to find out for herself that her husband is a cheater, it's not your responsiblity to clue her in on that. Everyone makes mistakes and you can't continue to beat yourself up over this, you realize it was wrong and you feel bad about it so that is all that you can do. I would leave the situation, do not seek revenge, be nice when spoken too and get as far away from this as possible. True, you will lose your friend but I would guess you probably have a lot of friends. To have a friend you have to really be a friend and in this case I guess you would agree that you weren't the best friend to her. You should leave the situation and not worry about any of them anymore and just take care of you and try never to do anything like that again. You need to pick up the pieces and move on. I know you are hurt and angry but you have learned a lesson, don't do that to yourself again. Hugs! It'll be ok.

10 POINTS! I work for free for a half hour to forty-five minutes every shift. Help?

Heya, so I work at a care home as a dietary-aide, which basically means I wash the dishes and do everything else in the kitchen but cook the actual meals. My usual shift begins at 2:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM so I have to make sure I clock out on time whether I am finished with my work or not. Here's the thing though, I have to wash dishes for thirty people (and it's not just a plate, a cup and a fork for each person either) using very outdated equipment. Not that I mind it just doesn't exactly help with the speed issue. So it takes a while, maybe fifty minutes or forty. But usually the last meal of the day, all the dishes come in at about 6:30 PM sometimes later, giving me a half an hour to wash dishes, mop up the floors, take my garbage out, take care of the coffee station, and all the other odd things I have to do to make sure things are ready for breakfast right away in the morning. So I'm still there at seven, the dishes are not done, but after seven I am not getting paid for the work I am doing, but I can't leave that mess for the morning shift or breakfast will be a disaster and the whole building suffers. So I can't just leave at seven. So what do I do? this is seriously degrading and it's not like I am working slow here, I am running around like a headless chicken and now we are getting a higher census for the building but I am still not getting more time to get my mandatory work done. Please help. Thank you!!

Where can i get printable cigarette coupons? has a list of several hundred stores with their coupons, specials, and sales/clearances (plus you can earn rewards points towards gift certificates for making purchases). Just go there and click on their Category.

What next? Where to go after graduation?

Get a job. This will help you decide what you want to do, and will give you some experience that will make getting a Master's easier and much more relevant.

Rental Application, 1 bad 1 good?

Okay, this is a rephrased version of a previous question I had somewhat. Basically I've been denied renting due to poor history and credit and I know if I apply for a place I will get denied. Knowing now that both my boyfriend and I will have to fill out applications for rental, He has very good history and credit. If I'm denied and I hear the same thing again about why, will that ruin our chances of a place? Or will it be okay since his rental stuff is okay and in check? So 1 good application and 1 bad, does that disqualify a couple for renting?

What should i do when... (women are around!)?

well if you are in their house, its not for you to say where anyone should be. If its a mom, she probably looks at you like her son so she does not see it as a big deal. if it makes you uncomfortable, simply try and avoid it if you can. If she sees it bothers you, she might get the hint. As for the second option, well if it is an emergency and you are the closest person, of course you should help because Allah swt knows your intention.

Help am i okay cuz...........?

Okay my friend hoo is now a bitche in my book hit me in my nuts with the basketball in gym and that was like 1:45 today and im still in pain should i be worried

Why isn't AgI soluble?

ur Rule no. 3 is is: all HALIDES are soluble ecxept those of Ag Pb and Hg (this is the rule taught at o and a levels)..halides include salts of all the halogens including iodine so AgI is insoluble

Swollen Gland Above and to the Left of Adams Apple Thats Painless With No Other Symptoms?.?

I had Bronchitis December 9th and took antibotics for a week and got over that and noticed the gland or lymphnode a couple weeks ago not sure if it has anything to do with it or not its been over a month since i had it?

Students caught cheating in cl?

You need to go speak to the professor about not understanding the material. Unless you have solid evidence you shouldn't bring up the cheating because they may think that you are just making things up.

I need some 1965 Ford Falcon help?

My first car was a '63 Fairlane 500 with the 170 engine & a three speed on the column. I drove that car from like '68 until it fell apart in '72 of '73. I drove it down & back from Ohio to Florida & Tennessee a couple of times. Also loaded it to the gills & drove if from Tampa to Toledo. Did good on gas, which was 30 cents a gallon, hauled all my stuff, & don't remember it ever letting me down. Unfortunately, I sold it when the entire exhaust system got ripped off in a huge chuck hole - Should have kept it. It wasn't fast, didn't handle that great, but it worked every time I needed it... Because of that car, I've been running Fords ever since.

What is the best online citation source for MLA format?

I have been using but me librarian suggested I had a bit of trouble with the latter and the history teacher I had last year said to use my current teacher said she had no preference. Which one is better?

Affirmative action question?

Please state if you would favor a society not wanting Affirmative action in it's true state to be accepted and why or why not. Thank you

Is anyone else sick of this ****?

I agree. and you're not shallow like the idiot before me said. EVERYONE notices someone elses looks long before their personality. and youre right with something like a big in jeans. if I look terrible in something I want my true friends to tell me!!!!

PARENTS: How many of you have already decided your childs religious denomination for them?

No one has the right to choose a cult for their child, it is a form of child abuse to force your "beliefs" upon an innocent child. People who believe in such fantasies should be closely supervised if left alone with a child, they are as dangerous as a offender. Any form of brainwashing is abuse and cults rely on brainwashing from an early age, leave a child to discover the world for what it truely is, never polulute their minds with the cancer of religion. All cults are a form of slavery and as such should be outlawed, to abuse a child in such away should be seen for the real crime that it is. Their is only slavery when cults are forced upon the innocent. I will not have anything to do with anyone who is in a cult of any kind and I would be extremely angry if a cult member ever tried to tell any of my children their lies, I would take legal action against any teacher who tried to brainwash my children, school is a place of science and truth not a recruitment centre for children.

Does anyone hare agree with the electoral vote?

I agree with it as long as the electoral respresentatives are forced to vote for what their people wanted. I know this way favors smaller states, but those small states do need a voice. They are always out shadowed in every single way, but still deserve to have a voice in the next president.

A sample of CuSO4�5 H2O ?

A sample of CuSO4�5 H2O was heated to 100�C, where it lost water and gave another hydrate of copper(II) ion that contained 29.76% Cu. An 85.42 mg sample of this new hydrate gave 93.33 mg of barium sulfate precipitate when treated with a barium nitrate solution. What is the formula of the new hydrate?

Can any one answer this for me?

what are the isotopes of the element copper and how are they useful??? will award 10 to whoever gets it right

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is the vo5 hot oil treathment going to make my hair feel greasy and hard to take out ??

You would be better off just buying a bottle of olive oil (not the 'extra virgin' but any 'plain' olive oil will do) an warming that, then putting it into your hair (brush it in) then wrapping a towel around your head and 'sitting in the sun' (use sunscreen, of course) for an hour. Olive oil was used even before Jesus time for 'washing' and also as 'hair care' and it's still 'the best' to give you 'well moisturized' hair. I wouldn't 'dye' your hair AFTER ... but if you want to bleach and then dye your hair BEFORE, it won't 'hurt the color' at all, however you hair may be 'so damaged' that you'll need to give it a 'hot oil' treatment once a week for several months to get the 'full good effect' of the oil. Olive oil is easy to 'wash out' with any good shampoo, but use the shampoo 'twice' and 'rinse thoroughly' each time ... then 'brush' and let it 'dry naturally' and don't use a hair dryer ...

Propane injection question?

i have an old dodge pickup with a SB 360, can i put some kind of propane injection system on it? if so what modifications do i need to do with my truck, can i run both gasoline and propane, or just one or the other, i only ask because my pickup gets about 7 mpg and propane costs like 1/3 of gas so any info on propane injection, prices mods parts ect. would be a big help, thanx in advance.

This stranger emotionally and verbally abused me?

This foregin guy who works at the gas station in my home town is a metroual and a narcissit. I went there once before and I shut him out of my mind and he didn't talk to me. The second time I went there he attacked me verbally and started arguing with me about my life and how I need to forget about my ex boyfriend and he was screaming in my ear about it and then he was making animal noises and trying to soliciate from me and get me to come out of my car. It sucks because alot of the things he told me were things that I already knew had to be done but he really knocked some sense into me about my ex boyfriend. But now I feel drawn to him because I haven't had in 9 months and he sensed that and I'm young and pretty and I just woke up out of a depression. He just read me like a book though that was kind of disturbing and now he's in my mind because I feel infatuated even though he told me not to be infatuated. This has happened to me 2 times in the past dealing with these men.

Book summary, I would appreciate some help =)?

Umm what do you mean by what's wrong? It sounds like an interesting book. But what I find wrong is that his parents were put in jail for something he did. Shouldn't he have gone to juvie?

Snowboard rub on wax?

I am currently looking for ways to wax my snowboard without using an iron because sadly we only have 1 and my parents wont let me use it. So I did a little searching on amazon and found this "rub on wax". Its called "Whacks Wax Rub-on Ski & Snowboard Wax ". "It says Whacks Wax speed in a rub-on form! Take it with you to the mountain, use it at home" The product description says "We went back to the laboratory to cook up a rub-on wax for our customers, and we succeeded. Our rub-on ski wax combines the Whacks Wax speed known and loved by skiers and snowboarders across the world with the convenience of a rub-on product that can be used anywhere, anytime. Each purchase includes two 2+ ounce pieces of wax (or one 4-5 ounce piece), which will last many, many applications. " What I want to know is if I need an iron for this. Thank you

Any thoughts on leBaron and Andre Miller?

Baron Davis is obviously not winning games, and he is in an A.I. situation. His age doesn't make it easier, bottom line, he needs to go on a team who needs a legitimate star to be in the top 5 seed or top 2 (eastern conference lol) seeds in the playoffs. Knowing that im from Philly, we would love to see a trade forBoom dizzle. I say Miller, Dalembert, a 2nd, and all the white people on our team lol for Boom. And then we can try to draft a SG or watch willie green flourish any thoughts? o and, to subsitute dalembert we bring in okeafor, ya digg? and good luck to the nuggets, they are really dissapointing, besides washington they are the most star laden team in the nba (AI, Melo, Kenyon, Camby (who deserves props) Washington (Antwaan, Gilbert, Caron, DeShaun Stevenson reminiscent of Jammer Nelson)

Off roading components?

I have a couple questions. First, Can i get a 3 inch suspension lift kit with 33 inch mud tires. Second, are anti-sway bars effective. Third, plus skid plates do i need any other off roading components for my 2000 jeep 4 liter Cherokee? Lastly, does anybody know like a ball park figure on how much all this will cost?

No music sound on XP user account?

This is 2nd account- first works fine. All system sounds working, just WMP and Quicktime have no sound, so no music :( Sound Blaster card, no muted checks anywhere.

How do I find out if some money was left for my kids from there deceased grandmother?

My kids grandmother died and left some money to her granddaughter which is my daughters. There father which we were no longer together claims he never got any money at all. How do I check or who can i go to. I am low income so I can really afford a lawyer. Is there any way I can check on my own??? Please get back to me???

How important is a woman's body?

Ok dudes, here's the thing. I'm a thicker girl, but I don't think I'm fat. I have some characteristics I'm proud of (can we say, "junk in the trunk??" I knew you could.), but I don't look like Kim Kardashian or Heidi Klum with perfect and abs and thighs that don't touch. When we're watching TV and these Barbie doll images start flying around everywhere, I can't help but wonder if my fiance is wishing I worked more at making myself look like that. When you see women on TV, does it ever make you resent how your wife looks? Does TV/ pollute your mind with images that take away from your lady's beauty? Or do guys even notice that sort of thing? Is it more like, "It has ies! Woo-hoo!" and not, "Well, her are not as nice as so-and-so's."??

Neck injury? Help!!!!?

Today I was at gymnastics practice (training level8) and I was practicing my double backs on the tramp after doing a couple of perfect ones I did my last one and it went wrong, I panicked and I over rotated and landed on my neck, now my neck hurts and I can't look down to far, what do you think is wrong with my neck? Just strain or something more serious??

How am I going to surviveeee?

Well, ya see, I have some retarded 8th grade dance on June the 5th. The 8th graders at my school like common Teen Pop. I'm the only person there who likes Indie and Metal (I mean, there's people there who think Korn and ICP is Metal, but I mean Metal). The teacher in charge of a lot of it gave us the link to our DJ's website so we could recommend songs-- I looked at it and I'm just horrified... there are about two I am okay with. And that's just okay. I'm trying to be open-minded, and I recommended my own songs. I tried to make energetic and danceable choices, but I know they will tell the DJ to turn it or ridicule me. The songs I recommended are not on the list yet, they haven't changed it since I put my choices. They probably won't. I just want to know how to avoid having a bad time, because I always get annoyed at the kids dancing all nasty and taking themselves so seriously to their perverted music. It's been like that every year. Here's the list. What's your opinions, and advice? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do Democrats realize that they will be the minority after the elections this year?

I think most inbents from both parties will be extinct. I am totally fed up with both dems and repubs.

When should my baby be able to fall asleep on his own?

My little man is 4 and a 1/2 months old, he still seems unable to fall asleep on his own, in order to get him to nap or sleep for the night he has to be on my . He wont take a pacifier. He nurses so often which I think part of that is comfort nursing and I don't mind it one bit but I am alittle worried that he will not fall asleep until he is nursing. The other night was the first time this was a problem, I went for dinner with a friend and my husband had to call me to come home because out son was screaming and would not take a bottle and he was so tired but he wouldn't just go to sleep, the second I got home he started nursing and just ped out exhausted. I felt so bad for leaving because I didn't know he would freak out like that but now I am concerned that I will never be able to leave for even a couple hours when it is close to nap or bed time because it caused him so much stress. Is this just normal behavior or what should i do?

If we launched a probe "up" out of the Milky Way at top speed, how long would it take to clear gatactic plane?

That is, viewing the galaxy as a disc, if we launched a probe up out of the "width" of that disc so that it could be above the plane of the galaxy, how long would it take our fastest probe (at present) to clear the disc?

What do you think of Mel Gibson — as a political figure?

Tell me what you think, not by his acting. We all know his a flag waving conservative, but also a anti-semitic loud mouth.

Increasing shared memory on an integrated graphics card?

hi i recently got a new dell vostro1510 uses the intel GMA x3100 graphics with 128mb of graphics memory.i need to increase it as i m not even able to play fifa 2007 smoothly on there any way out to share it's memory with RAM? and yes if it is from the bios then please give me full instructions to do so.any help would bw appreciated.thanx!

Whats wrong wih my ollies? (video) (10 points)?

put your toes towards the middle of the tail and sort of place them like your mid step. other than that you just need more control over the board. and dont touch the ground.

Were can i find free printable greeting cards?

i wanna print some greeting card that are free or any programs that i can print cards for free no sign in or anything

Help with crocheting instructions!?

The instructions are "single crochet in 2nd chain from hook, chain 1, skip next chain; repeat 24 times, turn---25 single crochet, 24 chain-1 spaces." I did the first part but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do after the turn. I'm trying to teach myself and this is my first project so its probably really simple. Please explain anyway if you can. Thanks!

Another blog. Which cricketers do you think are cool?

inzimam is like the coolest guy i have ever seen, in the way that he's always calm. He never shows too much emotion about anything and laughs only at extremely special occasions which makes him more interesting. imran khan was really awesome aswell.

Not attracted to guys anymore?

Im 18 years old now and I've found that I'm less and less attracted to guys. I used to be super boy-crazy, pointing out to my friends all the hot guys that I happened to have seen at work, at the grocery store, in my neighborhood that day etc. I've always been the same until now and I don't know why. I just don't want to be around guys in general, and all the ones in kind of hanging out with now, I like them, but I only really see them because I'm bored or have nothing to do that day which makes me feel guilty. I even considered I might be into girls, but once I got a proposition from a cute girl i know, the thought of it didn't seem so appealing to me anymore. I'm wondering if this is normal or if people have phases like this. I seriously have NO interest in men at this point. I haven't been in a serious relationship for over 6 months, so i don't think it's that I'm not ready to date or anything... whats wrong with me?

Republicans only please?

Bush knows s.s.i. is broke illegals paying into the system is the only reason it is able to make payments.George Bush did not lead the Conservative party . Regan led the Conservative party . what about the tons of yellow cake taken out of Iraq in all other countries it is considered a w.m.d but not when it is in Iraq. Can you name a home grown terrorist that is a Conservative all of the terrorist have been liberals.liberal media covers that fact up.

How long did you wait to get a new pet when your other pet died?

I feel your pain and I'm so sorry for your loss. I too lost a 16 year old dog and not only did the entire family grieve but my other dog grieved also. We were all used to having 2 dogs around and it was so lonely, we ended up getting a puppy one month later and have never regretted that decision. We still think of our little Dolly, but our new addition, Sy, has her own cute personality and has filled the void. The longer you are without another canine friend, the longer you will grieve!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What tv and ariel to watch world cup out and about?

I want a 20" ish cheap but good tv to watch the world cup while at work and what type of ariel do i need i keep getting told lots of different things. help would be great thanks.

Help me solve this statistics problem?

From a sample with n=32, the mean duration of a geyser's eruptions is 3.07 minutes and the standard deviation is 0.51 minutes. Using Chebychev's Theorem, determine at least how many of the eruptions lasted between 1.54 and 4.6 minutes.

Which makes a better fabric softener...Downy ball with white vinegar inside or rag soaked in Fabric softener?

Never heard of it. I always go through the wash cycle then use an extra rinse with the fabric softener.

Tyre Pressure - Ford Fiesta 1.4 - 2 people but 35 kg of luggage?

I was wondering if someone could provide some advice on the right tyre pressure if 2 people are travelling in a ford fiesta 1.4L along with 2 suitcases weighing 35 kgs. The manual state I need to have 31psi in the front and 26psi in the rear tyres. I have the users manual which gives tyre pressures but wanted to know if 35 kgs of luggage in the boot / back seat constitute full load and do I need to increase the tyre pressure ??? Thanks !

What would world war 3 be like?

there is a famous quote fro Einstein. i dont know what weapons we will fight with in world war 3 but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones

Biology history question?

Francis Crick was the first to recognize that information flows from DNA to RNA to protein. This concept is known as the Central Dogma. At the time the Central Dogma was first stated, it was an inference based on observations. Explain why

How offensive is the word "Kike" to Jewish people?

You were out of line. You have honestly got to be feigning ignorance if you couldn't tell how offensive that word is. I'm not Jewish, so I'm not *personally* offended, but I would never use that word to describe Jewish people in my statements because I'm not a subconscious racist. It's like the people that are *still* using the word "mulatto." It's rude to call a human such a name just because he/she's mixed in that way.

Why would a perfect God make such an imperfect book?

I am talking about The Bible. That is "God's Word", right? Since God can do anything and everything is God's will why did He want His Word to be so ambiguous, argued about and difficult to interpret (scholars spend their lives doing it)? Why didn't he make it nice and clear? A Magic Book that automatically updated to match the language, time and level of the reader seems like it would have worked nicely.

Poem i wrote awhile back..... what do you think?

i really like it eswpecially da last stanza, alltho i think it ud b a gud song, better than as a poem- =)

What reasons can you think of for allowing the Ten Commandments to be displayed in Courthouses and such.?

Anyone? Honestly I disagree with allowing the Ten Commandments into Judicial and public buildings but I need to argue for it?

Can I call the attention of all the Filipinos?Have you ever seen this video...?

yah! that was true. i know that story and it was proven that it happened they tried to get a percentage amount to the winner so the winner filed a complaint of letting her win and still get the money back. the winner didn't have the hard time to get in the contest and knows before hand that she's the winner but still complaint of not getting the whole amount of the winning price even she signed the agreement of how much percent goes to her.

Is it safe to put iodine on your scalp for hair growth?

Don't see why not, people use it for wounds, so I doubt it would hurt. Don't know if it will help grow hair though and could temporariy stain your scalp but I don't think you would be harmed in any way.

What action can i take against postal dep if any important registered letter received after a prolonged time ?

You can file a complaint with the USPS, but that's not going to change the fact that the letter arrived late. You may get an apology, you may not, but an apology will be the best thing you can hope for.

Redoing my bedroom...i need opinions!?

I like the light pink walls zebra idea. your using black which is a common color and you will find accesories easily rather than matching to a cheetah print...the light pink walls give it a girl feel with the zebra adding the zing to not to fond of yellow walls but i think idea one is great!

Where can I download the Primary Soon font for free?

I have tried lots of 'free sites' but when I select the font I require, it takes me to another page where a fee is payable.

What is the Best Boxing Movie of All Time?

With all due respect to Raging Bull with DeNiro which won an Academy Award and to the Rocky movies, in my opinion the best was Cinderella Man. I even have it in my dvd collection. Very well made, well thought out and inspirational movie about James J. Braddock during the very toughest times in America. Also the fight scenes were very realistic and exciting. But above all that, the story of his trials were incredible.

If I ovulated this week and ant flo is due 2/6, can I do a EPT next week?

It seems like it would be wicked soon to find out if I'm prego if I just ovulated this week, but the tests say you can do it 5 days before your period which would be next week. Is that a normal timeframe?

Do I have swine flu (H1N1)?

I started feeling sick sunday morning, with a sore throat that quickly turned into a bad cough. My head and eyes ache, and my chest and back do too. I also have a very stuffed up nose and keep sneezing. I got sent home early from school today with a 102.4 fever, what are the chances this is swine flu? Also, I got the regular flu mist about 3 or 4 weeks ago and had symptoms from that.

Haircut?? Pics included. wondering if i should get side swept bangs.?

The side-sweep bang look is really cute and popular right now. give it a try, if not, you can always throw it up in a ponytail!

How close rae we to the end times?

How close do you think we really are to the end times? when the antichrist will appear? please dont tell me the stuff about not knowing the hour or the day. he did say we will see growing pains ect. I want your personal view on it. How close do you feel we are?

Real Hustle Las Vegas Soundtrack?

Does anyone know the tune that plays in the Las Vegas series of The Real Hustle when they're doing proposition bets? I'm sure I know it but cant remember the name of the track

Why does the Quran allow marriage with girls who haven't menstruated yet?

It is really a shame that all those interpreters were not thinking enough to ask women who would have told them, it refers to women of marriage age who for one reason or another (medical conditions) do not menstruate. It has nothing to do with marrying children. Only sick people following a sick culture or trying to introduce sick false doctrines would interpret it that way.

Does electronegativity have anything to do with ionic bonding?

I'm wondering if the amount of a precipitate produced from mixing two ionic solutions will be affected by the difference in electronegativity between the atom of the anion that goes to form the precipitate and the atom of the cation that goes to form the precipitate.

I hate my family & want to move out..what can i do?

You can either wait until you are 18 years old and can move out of the house or go off and live on your own again. You are obviously wise beyond your years as you state in your additional details and your parents aren't worthy of your respect and love. As an unskilled 15 year old struggling with depression and an eating disorder, you will probably thrive out there on your on. At least your imperfect parents won't be around to cramp your style anymore.

I have a deck which was built and the footings were never put in concrete, any way of correcting w/o teardown?

The home I have has a deck which was built around a pool. I just noticed that none of the footings were placed in concrete. is there anything I can do about this now? The deck seems very sturdy. I guess it has been up for about 3 years now and no problems as of yet. I just would like to reinforce it if possible. There is a iron fence which was left up and the 4 x 4 beams were attached to the iron fence for support as well as sunk into the ground. I just don't see the normal footing cement tube you normally see. Thanks

Whats is that piece of music called?

there is a famous piece of music written. Where a full orchestra is present, the conductor raises his batton and the band play nothing at all not even one note any ideas?

Why wasn't Hans Blix allowed to finish his inspection anyway?

Because Blix and the other inspectors had inspected more than 400 sites between November, 2002 and February, 2003. They had found no WMD, and Saddam was becoming increasingly cooperative. Yes, they threatened to undermine Bush's primary casus belli.

What happens to mel exactly at the end of braveheart?

He's being tortured slowly to death and sees his dead wife waiting for him. I think they are disemboweling him or something equally horrendous.

Who are the most important teams in the NFL?

The Patriot and Broncos owners handle tv contracts, the NFL loves money, so by default, it's the Patriots and Broncos.

Backing out of building a home?

My husband and I are in the process of building a track home. However, we could not lock in an interest rate and now they are steadily creeping up. We found a much less expensive home that is way bigger than the one we are building. The best part is - if they accept our offer, it is ready right away, meaning we can lock in an interest rate. I am curious to know if it is too late to back out of this home we are building? We have been pre-approved and submitted good earnest money, but even that we would make back if we buy the less expensive home. I am also wondering if this will affect our credit? Do people back out of building homes often? Any help would be really appreciated!!

I liked my parents a lot better before they became Christians?

You and me both, honey. My childhood changed forever right around age 8-9 when my parents started attending a fundamentalist church. It's taken me 30 years to understand that the parents I knew and loved then are gone for good, and I have to find a way to deal with the parents I have had since.

What hair color would suit me? (with pictures)?

Out of the color options based on the extensions, I would go with # 33. Boysenberry Treat/Auburn. I think it would be very flattering.

Why are there no good X-Box 360 games for girls?

I have an X-Box 360 and my brother has the games Halo 3 and Test Drive: Unlimited. I've tried to find games that I would like to play, but there are none. Why don't any game companys make good girls games for X-Box? I was guessing because X-Box is a guy's system, unlike Nintendo systems like the GameCube or Wii.

Who's going to be the next big time headlining star?

I think that MVP, Evan Bourne ( the next Rey Mysterio IMO ), John Morrison and of course Christian can be the next generation main eventers as they all work an exciting style of wrestling, are very charismatic and can work entertaining matches.

Is it weird when white people are at pow wow?

I heard about a pow wow that's going to be taking place near my town and I'd like to check it out but I don't want to intrude. I get that you're there to have a good time and I don't want to kill your buzz. I used to highland dance and people would come and watch and want to touch our outfits and try and do the dances, and you were just trying to do your thing. With that in mind, I don't want to stare at you or try and touch you're outfits, I just want to see what it's all about. Would it be intrusive if I went?

Have you ever lost a cat or dog?

My daughter (who has never been a cat lover) took to a neighbours cat a few months ago. He would come in and she would buy him the most expensive cat food. He would always go home and he would always come in when the door was opened. Sadly, he was run over. Needless to say, she 'became smitten', pardon the pun and bought a kitten herself. After all the jabs, chip at the vets, Shelby went missing on the 16th March. Until yesterday, it was as though there had been a death in the family. A young couple found her and took her to the vets to have her checked out. Because of the chip, she has now been re-united with 'her family'. I truly feel for those people that have never known what has happened to their pets. A chip (although not cheap) will be a lifeline to pet owners.

Religion vs Science the war for peace?

The thing is that conspiracy theories do not deal with the facts. They deal with a kind of pseudo-science/superstition.

Re neighbours & harment?

i would attempt to answer your question if I could understand it. None of it makes sense, try asking it again.

Beginners Crochet Question?

I just started to crochet and I need a little help. I want to start off by making a few little square pot holders or maybe a simple long scarf. The issue I am having is making my edges strait. They are beginning to curve. Do I need to make a double crochet at the end to prevent this? Can anyone explain to me what I need to do in crochet terms so then I can look it up online? Or if you have a website or video you can recommend that would also be great. Thanks so much!

Friday, August 12, 2011

The pH of a lake was normal despite the large sulfuric acid leaked in it. How could this be?

A significant amount of sulfuric acid leaked into a nearby lake, despite efforts to contain the spill. Environmental scientists who investigated the effect of the sulfuric acid on the lake itself found that the pH of the lake was near normal despite the large volume of acid added to the lake. How could this be?

What is it, yahoo decides not to let my questions get answers, I've wasted 30 Points already?

dont punch a hole in the wall, go pour yourself a good strong one and type in redtube and play away.

New species of Nepenthes found What you think?

I've heard of bestiality, but never heard of anybody talk about a plant this way. My own opinion is he's a freak. As far as the plant goes, it's always cool when something new is found, or something thought extinct. The real question is, though . . . is there any USE for this plant?

Regarding propanone as a rinsing agent. chem bonding.?

Actually, it is mainly just the physical properties that influence this. The solvent used must be miscible with water and have a low boiling point. If it has a high boiling point, it doesn't do any good. If it doesn't mix with water it won't remove it.

Help me find this music video by description!?

I have been re posting the same question over and over again, and i cant get the answer that i am looking for. I am killing myself thinking and thinking what is this music video but i just can't remember it. SO ok here it goes again and pleeease, please help me. It's a song from 2006, 2007. I am SURE that is a band singing it, i can't remember if the band was famous but i know that the band is something like Take That, Pet shop boys maybe U2 but i don't think so. The video is about really beautiful girls looking like a models or actresses in a hospital like a rehab or something. Some of them are glamorous with big expensive sungles and jewerly but they are all sad. They are fighting with the nurses throwing pills at them and acting all crazy. They are wasted and sad. At the end of the video one of the girls is sneaking out of the hospital with a boy looking like a rock star in a hot car. PLEASE help, i am so desperate i am looking for this song/video for more than i year.

Table Linen help!!!!!!?

I'm sure there are clips or pins at either your local hobby shop or at a party outlet store. Just bring in a printout of this picture to either of those places, and ask them what they would recommend to achieve this look. GL and congrats!

My computer monitor is intermittently losing the color red. What causes this and is it fixable?

It will be fine for a couple of days and then it's like it just turns off the red. It will suddenly reappear even if we haven't touched the computer.

Where do I report a site that sells Polar bear, giraffe, tiger skin etc. ?

There's PETA, and the EPA. You could contact them on their websites. But first find out if any of those animals are endangered or protected. Otherwise it isn't illegal. Some may argue that it's immoral or that it should be illegal - but it isn't.

Propane tanks?

We used to have a gas grill. Where can I dispose of the old tanks? My husband collected several of them. They're empty I think, I dont really know.

What do you visualize when you read this character's personallity? PLEASE AND THANK YOU?

I'm thinking tall, skinny, sometimes hard to get along with as stubborn because she is intelligent so she finds it difficult to accept oter peoples views. Also black hair comes to mind as she is negative - i'm thinking maybe curly and long sometimes a bit crazy and hard to control. Clear porelin skin as she takes pride in her appearance as she is observant as you stated. Sometimes has outrageous fashion crazes as she likes being different but also links to her sometimes crazy hair and links to her mostly happy personality as her fashion could be quite funky, colourful and crazy at times. Hope this helps, it's the character that came to my head reading your description.

I need some MARRIAGE advice!!?

Hi, i've been married for 4 months and we have been having so much trouble in the relationship. Well 4 days b4 i we got married i went tru his cell and found some flurtations text msgs that he sent to a female. I confronted him and he got mad and denied it, ok we worked it out.Then like a month after i checked his cell and found nude pics of a girl he works with, i confronted he denied it and promised he wasnt gonna do it againg, then a month after found new pics of the same female and same thing he said to me FORGIME ME WONT HAPPEN AGAIN.the third time i checked his cell nothing i checked his email and there they where..i left him for few days then i went back with him.BUT NOW he did d same thing i was really mad and now i dont know what to do i want to leave him but i cant decide? is it wrong to have nude pictures of a co-worker in your cell and in your emails when ur married? is that cheating? would he change? please i need some advice..

For New Yorkers and New Jerseyans, would you accept NY and NJ will merge together as one state?

Because of NY Giants stadium is at NJ, NY/NJ Port Autority, New Yorkers and New Jerseyans have distinct English accent, a lots of Manhattan employees are NJ residents, some New Jerseyans are Yankee fans and NY Giants/Jets fans, NY and NJ are fighting for Ellis Island, Car plates are now both yellow (NJ is light yellow and NY is dark yellow), majority of car plates moving around in NY and NJ are NY and NJ plates (that's what I noticed) and not PA or CT (I don't know why), and more. So would you accept it? Why or why not? Please tell me where youre from...NY or NJ

Did Adolf Hitler believe in God ?

Or a 'deity' as such? I do not have the time to research as this fully as I would like.I know this could be construed as polemic but I am curious. What are your thoughts ?

Help with geology easy points and ill rate high.( easy points and thumbs 10 points:o)?

Do your homework! This site is not for getting your homework done for you. If there is a specific question or concept that you need help with, I would be happy to help.

Should we impose Democracy on other nations?

THis is for a debate, and my team is on the Affirmative side. How would you define it, split it and argue it? Thanks!

What exactly is Erie in relation to Ireland?

Éire (pronounced [ˈeːɾʲə] in Irish, and [ˈeːɹə] in English) is the Irish name for the island of Ireland and the sovereign state of the same name.

Please Read this?????Best Answer gets 10 points!!!?

Change victims to victims'. And lose either shared or consensus. Consensus means everyone agreed so you don't need both. I would say "there was a shared (or common) sense of frustration".

Ex advice, where is here head at?

Ex tells me that things were great for a long time(together for 5 plus years) but that things had changed and she wasn't happy with things by the end of the relationship. She admits that most of this has to do with her leaving and going to law school and being multiple states away. My response to that was, if things were great when we were together daily and then got bad when we barely saw each other, doesn't the problem seem to be not spending time together? (this was all part of larger emails we exchanged, so I got no response to the question). Regardless though am I right in believing that the relationship is screwed? She is now living in NYC till May doing a internship and would like to think that her fab life is like something out of in the city, not noticing that its existence is based on borrowed money. For the last three years she has lived in south florida in a expensive house owned by family friends for free, then went to Italy and Australia the last two summers for cles and now NYC for this internship. All of this paid for with school loan money. Is she ever going to come back to reality, because thats not reality?

This is my honest predictions for WM 26?

WOW million dollar belt is gone and rick rude ped away so idk how thats possible but if it was sure i would watch it

Question for christians?

I think there's a problem in christianity today. Today I think peoples definition of christianity is opposite of what the bible says. Church seems to be just as secular as the outside. Most christian people go to church for the interests of their ego. I think some people in church care more about themselves than their relationship with god.Theirs people in church who act worse than the people on the outside. these people are fake and are not interested in god. A lot of people think there christians but they dont know, I think a lot dont even know if gods real. anybody can say they are a christian. I grew up around christianity my dads a pastor. These fake people, they were two faced, they weren't sure of their beliefs and that turned me away from wanting anything to do with christianity. i think the problem is people wanting to do there own thing and live their own way and peoples pride. Im not a christian, if i did believe in christ i wouldn't call myself a christian, because of the people who taint the name. I believe in a god, and ive seen christians that seem to have it, but only a few. I think god is something nobody will ever understand.I think alot of people make up who god is in their head and make umptions of what god thinks. My questions are how do i know if jesus is real and can he change my mind.

What book is better? infact are they even good books?

i wanted to know if the books pure and a certain age by rebecca ray are good books because i would like to read them if they are then which one is better and are they as good as the book judy blume

What is this movie called?

All I can remember is that its on Disneychannel... And I guess there was a CD a school gave out to their Kids and It hypnotized them... I cant remember what Else it is about. I wanna say that there are Superheroes but im not sure

Liberals why do you always...?

Very good points, it's pretty sad that Libs will point the fingers at Republicans who do things wrong, and yes there are some who have done things wrong, but when a liberal does them they point the finger of blame at someone else. Gotta love those double standards huh? If it's someone on the right, we have to pick on them, or make fun of them, but if it's one of our own, we have to point the blame to someone else.

I heard this song on the radio yesterday, who sings it?

I heard it on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and it sounded like a gospel song. I am not really sure of the lyrics but I think it says "you look better when you smile" "even when times are hard.....something...I don't know. I am sorry that is really all I remember.

Why won't animals or ducks of different species breed in the wild, but will breed in close proximity?

Please do not spam this site with your unintelligent rascist propaganda ramblings. No one here is interested.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

5. Why do you see Banquo’s ghost several times at the banquet?

this question is about Macbeth and what he would answer if he would be interviewed today. Could you help me with this question i really dont understand the poem.


A Case Management Conference is where all the parties appear in court and give the Court a status of the case. The other attorney is only giving you notice of the Case Management Conference date. It means that he is the attorney of record for the debt collector, attended the last court call and received the new date.

Do you think that the Ted Kennedy's endorsement of a candidate ped the baton or just the opposite.?

My opinion it will have a marginal effect in the rest of the country but will impact somewhat in M since Obama went to Harvard University, but the real impact may come from those who respect Kenndy in the Senate -- Hillary probably has as much respect.

Is it possible to take asteroids and use for them to for our Earth' s fresh water supply?

After reading comments on a href=""…/a I thought of an event that could help our fresh water supply I mean did our fresh water came from giant asteroids or not? Can we use that to sustain drows everywhere and such or I crazy for thinking such an event?

How to delete myspace!?

You should probably make an other myspace. If you can't get on that myspace, not body can. If you already had friends on that account, you can get them to monitor it so you can see if it's a hacker or not. This happened to me before, but don't worry, it's just another account on the internet.

How did God make Eve from Man's rib ?

Did he use Super Glue, Duct Tape, DNA Cloning, a Sausage Grinder, Irrigation Systems, a Scalpel, Lightning, Magic, Silly Putty, Lincoln Logs, Turntables and a Mixer, a CD Burner, Roach Clips, Jumper Cables, Lock Lugs, Tie Wire, Gasoline and Matches, Sand, Miracle Grow, a Shovel, Super Fast Typing, Auto Cad, two Beach and a Seashell, ESP, a Hydraulic Jack, Gandalf, Bricks and Mortar, Harry Potter, Radiation Guns, Creative Songwriting, American Idol, Truckloads of Spam and a Hairdryer, Smoke and Mirrors, Slight of Hand, Spy vs. Spy, Invisible Touch, Baby-Back Ribs, Vulcan Death-Grip, 007, Blindfolds, Public Enemy, Dentist Drills, Whips and Chains, Double Baking Ovens, Dig Dug, Fencing, Nuclear Power Plants, Read Only Memory, Grain Silos, Bank Managers, Underground Bunkers, or Thermonuclear Fusion ?

What is this famous techno/dance song?

Everyone has heard this song at least once in there lives and its really bugging me to know what it is. It has a very similar beat to the song heaven by Dj Sammy. Its like the most famous techno/dance beat ever. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Would you mind naming some songs that you think it could be, thanks.

Do Catholics believe that if you are confirmed in the church you are always a Catholic?

The official stance of the church is they're still a Catholic. But there is a process you can go through to officially defect from the church.

Why is websites full of girls of Pakistan and Bangladesh?

the only time ill ever agree with the taliban is they started a war against gay idiots like you, and i pray to god all of u are burnt to death. now get lost from this section...the gorrila section is more like you guys, and if theres no such thing on yahoo then ud be good to start one off.

The return of the elimination chamber?

The Elimination Chamber is an Awesome match the 1st won set the standard to many superstars and fans as it was a brutal, steel chamber match with gl pods. But my favourite one was at WWE New Years's Revolution 2005 when there was a Vacant World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Chris Jericho v Edge v Chris Benoit v Batista v Triple H with Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. And what do you know Triple H won (But he was HEEL Back then)

Is it appropriate to spend a lot of time with a guy who has a long distance gf?

My guy friend and I hang out all the time. (He's in a long-distance relationship with his gf) He cooks for me, we study together, eat together...We got drunk together. He calls me his best friend.I can't help but this this is not a normal platonic relationship..especially with all the ual topics we talk about. Like we talked about what kind of we both like and our ual experience. What is going on here?

Just Out Of Curiousity- Why would a court deny an application for a marriage lisence?

My boyfriend and I applied for a marriage lisence yesterday in Baltimore County. Nothing went wrong but they make you wait 48 hours to get approved. Why would a court not approve one anyway? This is just out of curiousity.

What is the difference in meaning between by, through and under in this sentence?

"I covenant not to sue, City, its departments, commissions, officers, directors and employees, and all persons acting by, through or under each of them."

Safeguarding my daughter against Christian teaching at school? Have written a letter.?

It appears you have answered your own question in the final paragraph of this post. It also seems that you are raising your daughter to be an intelligent, independent thinker. Because she has parents who are atheists, she'll never believe in crap such as: God, the Resurrection, the Immaculate Conception, Heaven, Hell, etc. You're doing the right thing; stop worrying.

Leadership qualities: what matters more?

I think you have to have a little of both. Having good people skills will endear your underlings to you. Having good administrative skills but little people skills will probably not serve so well except for those people, like you, who apparently have a brain and realize that the administrative areas are equally as important

Advice for leaving my family for 6 months to C-school?

I've done 3 deployments before, now I'm finishing 4 years of shore duty. My two kids, 5 & 3 years old, never knew me going on deployment. I'm going to NS San Diego 32nd St for a 6-month C-school. My family can't come because our house hasn't sold here in Texas, so they're staying here. So far our plans are to get another laptop for my wife, I'm taking mine with me, and we're going to get webcams so when I'm talking to the kids, they can see me too. My wife found some good advice online to get Hershey Kisses, enough for each child to have one on each day that I'm gone. We'll get a map to show them where I'm at also. On my last deployment, my son wasn't born and my daughter (now 5) turned 1 when I returned. So they've never delt with it. Any ideas or advice anybody has would be appreciated.

Roberto duran or j.c chavez in their primes who would you pick?

it would had been an interesting fight two proven warriors in an all out war who do you think would had won

Exactly what story does the Wolverine Origins movie follow?

In an interview, Hugh Jackman said they follow the "most popular storyline." As a comic book fan, I know different writers have different ideas of a characters origin. So which story did the movie follow and who wrote it?

If your faith isn't in God, then in who or what do you have faith in?

If you have faith in people, they will pretty much always let you down because we are all imperfect in some way.

Why is the public so set on Party affiliation when it comes to Politics?

The political parties are destroying government in the U.S. I see little real difference between the two groups of thieves!

Kinda long, but please, how can i take it to the next step with a guy friend?

usually BJs work pretty well. ha just kidding! but theres nothing you can really do about it. sometimes the friend zone is a permanent dwelling. kind of like purgatory

Costa rica!!!!!!!!!!helpppp plzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

heyy i was wondering what geographic region is costa rica located in thanksss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

A joke ......................?

Good joke but what I really want to know is -what's on when it's off and off when it's on? It been bugging me all night! Post it again, i can see some annoying ppl must have banned it!

Should i be worried about my 18year old girlfriend going to a 'school disco' style event at university?

Its one of her freshers week events. We have been going out for nearly 2 years. Like you know how the girls dress up and that for this sort of thing - doesn't it have a 'vibe' for single people? Is it right for her to go? In fairness her mates have boyfriends and are going too. Opinions please

Princess Diares?

The last book was very amazing. I could believe it. There is a sequel does anybody know what it going to be called because I really want know. I cna't wait to find out. I know she like just finished Princess on the brink but I really want to know what she is coming up with.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I think i own the fastest quad in the uk what do you think (youtube vid inc)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who wins in these fights?

Chuck Norris wins all of them despite the fact that you only had him in one. He can do things like that you know.

Do i do a trademark or do i copy right my brand?

So im starting a clothing brand and i was wondering if i should copyright or trademark my brand. I was told that this was a good idea copyrighting it or trademark but i don't know which onr to do or if i should do both. And if i do do it where and how much is gonna cost?? Thanks for the help.

At Home Stool Sample Kit. OMFG help me.?

Haha, funny question. I think your best bet would be to cover your toilet with plastic wrap, just make sure it's slouching a bit in the middle so it doesn't pile up too much if you catch my drift.

How To Pick Out The Horse For Me?

My grandfather owns a farm and several horses, all who are granddaughters/grandsons of Beau's My Daddy, meaning they are all well-bred horses. He said I'm allowed to have any of them, as long as they are over the age of 5-7. None are trained yet, but we will be paying for the training. Should I allow a horse expert to pick out a horse for me, and should I do it myself? I have little experience, but often get those "perfect horse" connections. I did with my last horse, Dazzle, who caught a sudden case of moon blindness and needed to be put to sleep. He was the best. (: So should I do it, or have someone experienced do it for me? Thank you!

Would you agree the "elite" college and hs students tend to have and do these?

Well in England it's all about the backcombed messy big hair (for girls) and Jack Wills (for all) wheeeyyy!

Under Carter and a Democrat controlled congress...?

It was made law by a bill brought forth by the Democrats that there shall be no collective bargaining of Fed Unions. This was done to prevent and stop corruption. How can the private sector now say it is a right, and to not allow collective bargaining would be a violation of their constitutional rights? It is quite obvious the right wants to end the corruption, where as the left wanst to protect the corruption.

How would you generally describe the personality of a person by their taste in this music?

muse, wolf parade, sunset rubdown, radiohead, led zeppelin, arcade fire, modest mouse, the white stripes, coldplay, nightwish, blaqk audio, beethoven, death cab for cutie, bily idol, the flaming lips, etc

Is it legal to distill already distilled alcohol? And is it safe to do so?

Friends of mine made bowls of tails a while ago but forgot to drink it. Is it possible to recover the alcohol from the expired fruits by distilling it? Technically I won't be making new distilled alcohol, so I wonder it would be legal. Since it's not red wine there may not be methanol present. however I'm unsure if the expired fruits(2-3 weeks) would have any influence on this. (I removed (most of) the fruits a week ago or so) . Are there any other ways of extracting the alcohol?

2003 Nissan Almera 1.5 Petrol Misfire when cold?

My Almera has developed an annoying misfire when cold. I've read all the timing chain stories but this seems a different problem. When the engine is started from cold and driven, it misfires at about 2000rpm, it will continue to do this until the engine has warmed up, then it stops and drives perfectly. I've been getting around this problem by starting the engine, and leaving it to tick over for 10 minutes after which it will be fine. This has gone on for a couple on months. However, I noticed this morning when I indicate, thats now causing the engine to misfire, also, the fog light warning light illuminates on the dash at the same time. Has anyone any ideas?

Readers/Writers: Do you think this part of my novel is funny?

It wasn't funny because I didn't think you were trying to be funny. Your tone sounds aggravated. The narrator person talks like Zach so I don't know if it's Zach or an outside voice. Anyways. it's not funny because Zach doesn't think it is and the tone is negative.

Differences between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois?

Well, one was white and the other black, for starters. Where have you been this semester? Most likely sleeping during lecture.

How did you, as a WWE parent explain to your children about what occured with Chris Benoit?

My little boy was too young to understand it, so I never had to explain it. However, another question I have is, did you keep all of your Chris Benoit Memorabilia or through it away. I just came across some collector cards and trying to decide what I should do with them , I think selling them would be wrong, making a buck off of someone's tragic ending does not sit well with me. And also my son has an autograph from Chris Benoit, he is two now and he loves wrestling, i have the autograph put up, what should I do with it? Thanks for replies and please tell how did you explain it to your kids! Thanks

Advice in rugby? (for people of advanced rugby knowledge)?

First of all the muscle building will take years not months, you may gain some muscle and definition soon but dont expect to hulk up right now. If you have good vision and a decent foot, as well as leadership try out for fly half. Flyhalf is a pivitol position so if you think you cant do it your absolutely right already. you skills as a flanker will lend to a good strong flyhalf position, your abilities gained in close quarters and "" should help greatly. as well as training hard in the gym make sure to spent time on hand eye co-ordination(play games involving like tabletennis cricket etc) and improve that kicking skill as well. good luck

HELP! How do I get an iPhone?

OK, so my grandparents signed up with AT&T in January, and got two free phones. Well, as I didn't have a phone at the time, they gave one of the two to me. I sold the free phone, and bought a Samsung BlackJack II. Just recently, I sold the BlackJack II, and now, I really want an iPhone. All I have right now is a SIM card. My grandparents didn't sign up for insurance, so I can't get another of the free phones. Can I upgrade to an iPhone through AT&T? How would I go about getting an iPhone?

What is the paradox in John Donne's The Flea?

What is the underlying paradox in John Donne's The Flea? Any interpretative questions are welcome too.

Problems with guy. 10 points for honest answer?

by all those what you have mentioned he is trying to mean that he is interested to go in a relation with you and is also aware that you don't get offended as you are officially related.these kind of people are very manipulative,they keep on saying sweet things to make u feel that they really like you,compliments on trivial matters to make a place in your mind.keep him at your arms length or he might put you in trouble

What song did michael lynch sing on american idol tonight?

This Woman's Work by Kate Bush. However, Maxwell did a cover of the song and Mike's version sounded closer to the cover.

How do you hook a tester up to fuel injectors on 1993 Tempo?

You need a noide light. It is specifically designed to test injector pulse. A regular tester won't work. You can buy a cheap one at advance auto parts.

Where can i get a NORMAL pci graphics card?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What type of person is most likely to succeed?

I have searched all over the web for statistics but have come up empty. Who is most likely to succeed out of these sixtypes of people. Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional. IT WOULD REALLY HELP IF U COULD GIVE ME A LINK TO A LEGIT SIT WITH SOME TYPE OF STATISTIC.

John McCain is the most honorable politician, he even adopted a child from Bangladesh, shouldn't he win easily

John McCain is a sleazeball, I am embarred that my party has elected a man who believes in amnesty, and somebody who filed suit with ACLU against a Wisconsin Pro-Life organization. Not to mention the fact he abandoned his first wife after she waited for him for yrs,bc she was disfigured in a car accident and married his millionaire mistress. What has happened to the republican party?We used to stand for family values and stand for the constitution,and now the Party is just like the democrat party I see no difference between him and the democrat candidates.

Which career should i select. Programming or Testing ?

I'm in a serious dilemma now. I got job in two companies. One as a Software programmer and other as a Software Tester. The main cause of my worry is that I'm a fresher and i have to make a right decision since I've to consider my future as well. I don't want to regret for the decision that i taken tomorrow. That why i'm asking this question. Please reply

What to put in an adult pinata?

We are having a party for my sister who is turning 18. She has a one year old little boy, and is finally going to be an adult (by government standards). So as one of the things to do we are going to have a pinata. The ideas we have so far to put in the pinata are mini note pads and pens, hershey kisses, mini vodka bottles, travel size smells goods, bubble gum, quarters, and scratch off lottery tickets. Anyone have any different ideas? Keep in mind that it will be an event with family and friends so condoms, drugs, and other ideas of the sort would not be appreciated. Also if you have ideas of other things we could to at the party I would love to hear them.

I have a problem please help!!!!!!!!!?

there is this kid in my homeroom that i like and sometimes when i look at him i see that he is looking at me and then he turns away and i don't know wether he is just looking at me cuz i am ugly and fat or because i have sorta acne or he likes my WHICH I KNOW IS NOT TRUE!!!!!

I don't know how to get that toolbar back on microsoft?

one day i lost that toolbar where there's italics, bold, underline, font, size and center and all that stuff on the top of the page of microsoft word. how can i get it back?

A few questions about "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. Please help?

Well, considering question 1, it doesn't have to be one person. Before WWII, the Germans found a way to blame the Jews for all the problems they suffered after WWI. As for question 2, Jackson doesn't want to be too specific. The story is symbolic and she is deliberately vague so that her story, set in modern times, relates back to the ancient traditions. In fact, she makes it clear that her modern characters don't even know why they have the lottery, but it's always been done and the town wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't. It's deteriorated from a religious type ritual to a superstition. The lottery is a yearly ritual, and Summers asks the questions like those at a Pover seder or a wedding. He's "folksy" about it, but he has to do it that way because that's the way it's always been done. As for question 3, the black box is a ritual object and is the center of the ceremony. You can guess why the color is important.

Shipping cars and auto parts internationally?

I'm shipping 10 cars and some auto parts to venezuela to sell them there. is there laws or taxes that apply to venezuela or is there any issues with us customs that might kill my little investment? Thanks.

What is your opinion on the ECW wrestler Mikey WhipWreck and why do you think he didn't do as well in WCW?

I mean he was former World Champion and tag champion during his time in ECW,but he didn't garner much attention from the WCW bookers and writers.

Harry Potter Question..... Sirius Black?

So I'm reading the 5th book and have all of a sudden gotten confused. I need refreshing on a few facts from book 3... So if Dumbledore found out about Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter helping Lupin during his werewolfness, why didn't he report them to the ministry as being unregistered animagus's? Or did he? So, is Sirius registered or unregistered? Also, as a side question.. What does is take to be a registered animagus and why would they need to be registered? Not many animagus's are registered anyways, right? Thanks! I have obviously forgotten a lot :/

WHY does BO want to sound like Reagan in his speech tonight? Do we all understand he is more like Karl Marx?

His words mean nothing, it's his actions that are so wrong for the US, but being the liar he is, he will speak as though he's a centrist although we all know he's far from it.

Using Clindamycin phosphate lotion 1%? Reviews?

I was prescribed Clindamycin phosphate lotion by my cosmetic dermatologist. Will it harm me in any way? I heard it will cause severe diarrhea, colitis, severe abdominal cramps or worse...death. I'm afraid of the effects - minor or major. I haven't taken it yet. What are your reviews on this acne medication?

With IndyCar running on 100% ethanol, do you think NASCAR will follow their lead and switch to biofuels?

I am a race car driver in the Indy Pro Series, the developmental league of IndyCar. I also hold a degree in Biology and I am concerned about the negative impact our sport has on the environment. I adopt an acre of rainforest for every race I run to offset my carbon footprint and I plan on doing more of this as I move into the higher levels of racing. I recently made a trip to Capitol Hill to speak with members of Congress on behalf of the Lieberman Warner Climate Security Act. What do you think we can do to make our sport more environmentally friendly-- recycling programs, biofuels, etc.

High Heart Rate after the flu?

I'm getting over the flu, and have been feeling steadily better for about 3 days now. I've been taking it very easy, but today just the process of bathing the dog and taking a shower myself has me feeling like I may p out. My hands are shaking, and even at rest my heart rate is 130bpm. The doctor isn't open today, and I'm wondering if this is something I should be worried about. I would really like to go to church this evening, but not if I might be putting my health at risk.

Will this work as an amazing gaming computer?

Yeah, this is more than enough! Oh and you don't really need a sound card. lol. The motherboard already has 7.1 audio. You'll be able to play BF3 with no problems. Enjoy. :D

Did I(Richie son) had a good career?

306 homers and 943 RBIs. .261 average, .507 slugging, .344 on base and made 2 All Star teams. You did slumped in your last 2 years but still good numbers.

Any home remedies for killing ants? 10 points?

you can't "kill"ants. they were here before and will be here after you. caulk holes, clean clean clean, sweep them away. wipe all surfaces to get rid of the pheronomes with bleach and they will eventually get the idea.

If Princess Diana believed she would die in a car crash why didn't she wear her seatbelt?

Mohammed Al Fayed has said that Princess Diana said she believed she would be killed in a car crash staged to look like an accident. Why then did she not fasten her seatbelt?

Co.sold J.Co.merchandise $5000onacc.J was able to pay $1200.They agreed,remaining balance with 6mnt%13 int rat?

McNamee Juices sells products in the health food industry.McNamee sold Jonny Mac merchandise for $5000 on account. Jonny Mc run into a cash crunch and was able to pay only $1200 in the prescribed period. Both parties agreed to satisfy the remaining balance with a 6 month note, at 13% interest, all payable at the end of the note. Please record the appropriate journal entry establishing the note on McNamee's books

Why is my newborn baby sneezing and coughing?

she sounds congested i read that this is normal for a new born but if she was really sick how would i know? plz help


if these two brothers got into a fist fight, what do you think would happen and who will end up in hospital.


The commercials are deceiving and falsly advertising the movie. This is NOT a horror movie about a serial killer. It is a stupid thriller movie about a CROCODILE that eats people. The movie is nothing like what I expected from watching the commercial, the acting was HORRIBLE, and the crocodile was poorly made computer animation. Don't bother wasting your time and money. That's 2 hours of my life and $9 I will never get back.

How to hook up with a promiscuous girl at work?

She is pretty easygoing verbally but all about the body language. She rests in the iest poses at work and gives me glances when she pes by, all of which I try to return with looks and b.l. that suggests I'm interested. She's caught me looking at her a** a few times and not minded, even gave an amused look. If she isn't looking to get some then I must be crazy. Either way, I'm in it to win it. So far, I've minded my own business around her compared to other guys at work, who make it obvious they want her. I'm certain she does these things for attention. How do I cut the bullshit and seal the deal? What do I say to not come off as a square and communicate "hey, you and me, ASAP."

1995 plymouth acclaim... folding backseat?! please help. simple quesiton.?

I have the car as stated above... i'm looking for more room so i'm trying to see if the backseat can fold down to extend the trunk... my only problem is this car is the toughest to figure how to fold it down... if it even does. I've had a cavalier, a saturn, etc... all of them had a pull on them or something and it just folded down. I can't find anything even in the trunk to fold the backseat... however when you tug on the seat as a whole, you can hear that it is clipped somewhere... i'm pretty sure this can fold down, i just don't know how! please help?!

What happen to dennis dixon?

dennis dixon got cheated this year he was doing amazing an every said he was most likely to win the heisman but since he got injured he not even post to get drafted

Dangers of jailbreaking my ipod 3rd gen?

I know how to jailbreak my ipod and that the apple warranty will be voided but im still a bit weary of doing it because is there a possibility it will brick and i wont be able to restore? I only got it about a month ago and my parents would kill me if i broke it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can I speed up my PC hard drive and clean it well?

I would just go and buy a new hard drive and make the old one a slave or you can make the new one a slave.

First Query Letter: Does it sound alright?

I would say that is a good first query letter. It gives the pertinent information right in the first paragraph and the bulk of the story. The only thing is you can tell the ending. This is a blurb but it is also the initial introduction of your mcript to the literary agent / editor/ publisher. Including the ending is alright as they need to know if it is going to be something they wish to invest a little more time in. (at least I've heard it is ideal to include all the mysteries, twists and turns).

Why do many conservatives worship personalities (like O'Reilly, Beck, Palin, Hannity)...?

A lot of the conservatives I know don't really think. They're brain is just a TV with Fox News looping over and over and over.

How does the average marginal revenue, cost, profit help you?

What is the point of knowing the average marginal revenue, average marginal cost, or average marginal profit? How can it help you make business decisions?

Tape worm question 10 pts?

My cat has tape worms. I also recently got a puppy... and being a puppy he ate the cats infected feces (poop). Does this mean my dog will get worms or does the puppy only need to ingest an infected flea egg to get the worms?? HELP!!

Does this sentence have any errors?

The introduction is very clever; the way he starts off with a back-story about George Derby which leads to a brief history about the central valley.

How do make jello not stick to a domed pan?

Before putting the jello in the pan, lightly spray it with a cooking spray like "Pam" or something like that. After it has molded, dip the mold in hot water for a few seconds and it should come right out. Good luck!

Are conservatives and liberals alike both wrong on the issues (only intelligent answers please)?

I think conservative are over reacting to liberals they liberals,are always trying to prove their vast compion for others and that they are the caring and understanding people who are out to protect and take care of people They view themselves as mother hens taking care of her chicks Were conservative are like the father who says ''your not letting these kids grow up''

Do any of the MacBook Pro laptops ever made contain GMA processors?

There is a game available for Macs, but it won't run on an Intel GMA processor... the GMA is the critical part. Does any Macbook Pro ever made—all generations—contain a GMA processor, and if so, which one/s?

Whats that song's name?

i heard a song at forever 21 idk what it is but the lyrics were something like come my friends whats around this bend idk it sounded like gwen stefani PLEASE answer i really like that song! Thanks! :)

Do you think Roger Clemens is telling the truth about the steroid allegations?

i like roger clemens,but in all honesty, i think hes lying through his teeth,he should just come right out and say hes sorry and he did indeed use steroids.its going to be tougher for him to get away with it because the truth will come out in the end! and the punisment will be harsher.

I need help to get rid of this ?

My mom befriended this guy. The guy is a Loser. He is stingy, a liar and annoying. He doesnt have a house or car. He lives with his brother a house down from us.My kind deseperate mother gave him the house number and this loser calls 20 times a day every day. he only calls when he wants to go somewhere. As soon as he see my mothers car he starts dialing. My mother cant even shower without him calling. Ive disconnected the phone and rigged it so the phone wont ring. If my mother doesnt answer the phone he will come over. My mother hid all the weapons so i cant do bodily harm to him. how can i get rid of this

Proofread my Frankenstein Essay.?

Overall it is very well written, yet your last paragraph should be your "In conclusion" paragraph, and the "you can't judge a book by its cover" sounds kinda cheesy, you may try with " appearances are not always a good adviser", or something like that, use your imagination. Try to start with a smaller paragraph where you state your overall point of view.

Dietician question please?

id like to know how many grains would be equivalent to a medium sized bran muffin.Its for a small project.for example,1/2 cup of pasta or 1/2 rice or slice of bread equals 1 grain.But the tricky question is the bran muffin.Thanks

Are you upset that Clinton's "emotions" may have turned the tide for her?

It was perfect, calculated timing and the people in New Hampshire fell for it. New Hampshire is pro-establishment. They are too afraid to rock the boat.

Whats the correct date?

I efile on jan16th it was accepted on the 18th. Where's my refund site states that will receive my refund feb4th. Now the irs refund cycle chart shows first dep for jan30th. So why am I getting different dates

What was the best book you ever read?

the best book i ever read was think and grow rich a black choice by naplone hill and dennis kimbro. what do you all think?

Why do gay man like to look at me like their main meal ?

I am straight ! I go to Fitness First gym for workout. Many gays there, off course we all know that. I'm not a phobic but the way they look at me as though they want me to be their main meal. OOO dear .. hey guys, I've nothing against you,but please respect me as I respect you, don't think that everybody is gay or expect everyone to be as gay as you are ! Sometimes I ume these guys think the whole crowd in Fitness First is gay or they want others to be gays. Does this make me a phobic? My neighbor in London is a gay couple, my wife and I visit them whenever we go back for holidays. We are great friends and through them we make friends with other couples/singles. The irony is, in Malaysia, the gay community is so shallow. Unliberated? or just a Malaysian mentality? There was one time in the gym, a gay man made a p at me. Felt, like I want to punch him in the nose, but, being a gentleman, I said, I'm not a and walked off.

Apostles of Christ casting of lots?

They borrowed this method from the Old Testament urim and thurim which the priests sometimes used to discern the will of God. The apostles were mistaken in adopting this method. For God had given them His Spirit so that they might be able to discern His leading. And of course we never again hear anything about Matthias, the man selected by casting lots. But we do hear quite a lot about a man named Paul, the man who was selected by God.

Guys who listen to punk rock music and has piercings and tattoos: what do you think about this?

Ok I'm 15 and I'm a girl. I'm kinda quiet and shy around people I don't know and I go to church and I'm on the cheerleading squad and I wear hollister clothes. But I have an attraction to guys that listen to slipknot screamo punk rock music, has eyebrow and lip peircings, tattoos, you know kinda the bad boys but not the ones wearing trip pants and that never cut their hair and slit their wrists I like the y bad boys. Ok be completely honest would these kinda guys ever go for me or am I doomed to end up with a giggly zac efron clone.

Cheerleaders and dance teams?

What does ines fell like when you wear them and which fells or looks more i being a cheerleader or a dance team thanks i am 14 next year i want to be one of the 2 i want to know which is more fun?

Whats Wrong Wit Me !?

ce i hope you all dont think im coo coo but its been happening for a while now ill wake up wit my eyes open icould ce but i cannot move and that frightens me cuz 1 time this happened i awaken wit my eyes open but my body felt frozen i couldnt move but i could see clearly and i saw my whole room clear but dark and my door swung open only to ce a bluray figure come in 2 my room it was like the whole room was clear besides this bluray figure approaching me but as it got behind me i close my eyes in fear and i felt a cold rush as if i was nervous or that feeling you git when your leg falls asleep but it was a little more static after i close my eyes and felt that i dnt remmember nothing but haven a dream i woke up and told moma and them what happened then i woke up jumping being able to move my body i told my family about it and they mocked me and told me i was dreaming i dnt know what this have to do wit this but i also have a problem it hasnt happened recently but sometimes when im doing something i feel like ive already done it like i already been there .but dont remmember it intill ive done it its very confusing like 1 time in elementary i felt that feeling. to check if i wasnt going crazy i saw the teacher write something on the board and erasing it as i invisioned so i attempted to see this play out and decided to not write it down like the rest of the cl and she erased the notes of the board saying they were the wrong notes like i knew shell do i dnt think i could predict da future but dat proved me not to be my two older brothers have seen my dead uncle in the closet one still sees ghosts. another one of my brothers have seen a ghost in a jump suit with half of his face burned up when we lived in suffolk va (the Country ) my mom has seen her dead brother inlaw and had a dream were her brother (my uncle) came back and told her who killed him and it was in the same white suit he was buried in be 4 my mom saw that suit. they later found out that the names he named in his dreams was the name of the people who killed him.the realest evidence of ghosts was a picture of all of us in the 90s with the old dinosaur cameras were theirs a african lady with a bandana on (we only could ce her face) her head was right beside mine looking at the camera.then a second pic of her flying away looking towards the camera.all this is true i put my hand on the bible all this really happened this is not just a prank or a cry for attention on yahoo answers my mom family does voodoo and my dad is a very strange man lol do this have anything to do wit any thing is this my imagination or is it paronormal.

Simile for "the pain is like..........."?

I need a similie for a poem about a girl who gets into a car accident and is now lying on the pavement dying so whats a good simile for "the pain is like..........."

Which enlightenment era philosophe advocated the most reasonable balance of gov't authority and Individual fre?

edom? Its for a project for my world history cl. I think this question is mostly for Europe though. What are you opinions on the subject?

Niece pregnant by my ex-firance?

Tell your family they will have to choose between having you or him for the holidays. You shouldn't have to spend the holidays with an alcoholic ex-fiance. If your family really cares about you (which I'm sure they do), they'll choose you over him.

Hugo Chavez called George W. Bush a "devil." Don't you think he deserves more than just a smile and handshake?

Yes, but hugo should have called bush "satan's lap-dog" because george is too dumb to be the devil.

I'm a black male I wish that I could have been born a black female,I am attracted to boys did God make mistake?

I'm a black male and I wish that I could have been born a female grew up as a girl had a "girlhood",and I am attarcted to boys which is not normal I dont really like to act feminine since I'm a boy people tell me its not cute,and my mom doesnt like me acting lke that,should I just pray to God to give me heteroual feelings,I just threanted to get beat up by the straight black guys at my school cause I mess with them cause I like them,if I like girls I wont have to worry about them,I like straight black guys,the fact that I was born a boy can never be changed but m uality can cause I dont really want to act feminine ad people dont like it.

Wouldn't it be cool if we started implementing Affirmative Action for gay people?

Not really big on affirmative action. Just more opportunities all the way around for everybody would be best.

IN American Dad Season 5 Ep 8 Circus, when Steven and friends are escaping from space camp?

As they're escaping there is a scene where Berry emerges from underground covered in mud, as he emerges he yells, then he pulls out Steve who is yelling, and the rest, then they all stand there in the rain and hold their arms up in the air and yell as rain and lightning is taking place in the background. What exactly is this referring to? I think it might be Terminator Salvation when Marcus Wright does virtually the same thing towards the beginning of the movie, but I am not sure.

Someone help me to find email address of Saudi Emby in Bangladesh?

Also if someone from Saudi Arabia / Al-Khobar side, please let me know the average cost of the appartment.

Do you ever think...."Geez, I could have asked that question?"?

When you see some that get over a hundred stars and soo many answers......... kinda like " I could have invented that product!!" LOL!!!!

Does anyone know the name of the Bon Jovi video where the guy jumps off the building with a parachute?

His girlfriend thinks he's committing suicide or something but then his parachute says " Will you marry me?" on it. I can't seem to think of it and it's driving me nuts!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How far do u think I am?

Hi.ladies I just went to see my obgyn today.after i got my BFP,she also confirmed that it was,they did blood work also for the hormone levels,the doc, told me my due day is March 24, 2010,my lmp was june 17,so how far do you think I am, she told me I was in the early stages, enough to be positive..Thanks ahead gurls! Sending lost of BABY DUST your WAY

All time low concert?

they probably wont say **** to you about your phone and they probly dont care about camera pics anyway.

Laidies why is she acting this way?

Give her a call. Don't be nervous, odds are if she really likes you then she'd be nervous too, but its the good kind of erflies that girls die to have. Just call her up and ask her how everything's going and ask her if she's got any plans on a certain day and ask her to dinner or to see a movie. Don't let her decide, be the one who knows what to do, she'll enjoy your date, trust me. From there, everything will work its way out.(=

Does anyone have the recipe for Jose Tejas Jambalaya? Chicken andouille peppers onion rice etc?

It's a Tex Mex restaurant in NJ, and the jambalaya is a side dish of rice and chicken ham and sausage, the recipe would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Can babies start teething as early as 2 1/2 months?

Ok, my daughter is 2 1/2 months, she has all the symptoms of teething but I thought they don't start until like four months or so. My son got his first tooth at five months, I just can't remember when he actually starting teething. She has the rosie cheeks, slobber a lot, fussy, and stinky poop.

Driving offence.... Help?

I'm uming this in the US. If you have the resources, you could hire a lawyer that specializes in Traffic Offences. If that isn't an option then plead NOT GUILTY on the summons, and appear before the court. Look online for any material that will help you in your case, dress well, and show up on time for your court date. Generally if you appear before the court they will reduce your sentence. There is nothing to be lost by at least trying.

Don't you agree that Mccain....?

Made a poor choice in Choosing Sarah Palin For VP. When Mitt Romney was right there! Especially since Romney knows a lot about Money and the Economy who has worked with the Economy and knows a whole lot more than Palin with more Experience than her. I think Mccain should of chose Romney for VP. Don't you agree? Tell me who else would do well in office as vp if you don't think Mitt Should of been in.