Monday, August 15, 2011

PARENTS: How many of you have already decided your childs religious denomination for them?

No one has the right to choose a cult for their child, it is a form of child abuse to force your "beliefs" upon an innocent child. People who believe in such fantasies should be closely supervised if left alone with a child, they are as dangerous as a offender. Any form of brainwashing is abuse and cults rely on brainwashing from an early age, leave a child to discover the world for what it truely is, never polulute their minds with the cancer of religion. All cults are a form of slavery and as such should be outlawed, to abuse a child in such away should be seen for the real crime that it is. Their is only slavery when cults are forced upon the innocent. I will not have anything to do with anyone who is in a cult of any kind and I would be extremely angry if a cult member ever tried to tell any of my children their lies, I would take legal action against any teacher who tried to brainwash my children, school is a place of science and truth not a recruitment centre for children.

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